Friday 27 June 2008

[Fill in the blank]=)

The cold morning breeze passed by,caressing me like a loving and gentle hand.My long hair followed its chilly splendour,whipping about in its control.I looked out at the horizon of the calm glittery sea.Raising my hand to shield my eyes from the slight glare of the sun,I longed for the cloak of night to come again.

I stared up at the fullness of the shining orb in the star-encrusted sky.The sight of it never fails to leave me in wonder and awe.Smiling,a wave of relief just washed over me.I felt my stationary body enter a state of calm.
Suddenly,my attention was broken and it was diverted to the vibrating in my right jean pocket.I fumbled to get it our quickly.Glancing at the number on the screen,I gave a loud sigh.Mom.Saying a quick prayer that she wouldn't be angry,I answered it.
'Where are you?' she exclaimed.'You told me you'd be back by 6!It's already 8:15!'
'Sorry mom.I just lost track of time.I wanted to call you,but I thought you'd already be at the dinner.'
'I've been trying to call you for the past 2 hours!Do you know how worried I've been?I didn't even know what to tell your father!'
'I'm really sorry,Mom.I'm on my way back right now.I'll see you in a while,okay?'
I quickly hung up before she could say another word.I got back on my bicycle and cycled back home as fast as I could.I left my bike in the garage and ran upstairs to my room to get a quick shower.There was a suit laid out on my bed,neatly pressed,not a crease in sight.
After showering,I threw on my clothes and rushed to my car.Putting the key into the ignition,I thought about how annoying my family could be.Every year,they just HAD to have some extravagant and complicated-not to mention unnecessary-event for the most nonsensical celebrations.Last year,they organised an event to celebrate the sixth full moon of the year.The most senseless thing about it was that about 500 of their 'closest friends' attended it.I just shook my head remembering the day.