Wednesday 1 August 2007

On the run again...where will it lead me to this time?

Running with all her might,she's trying to escape from the one enemy she can't tear herself apart from.The one she fears is one so close to her.One she knows so well,but can't defeat.The blurs of the buildings and people around her;they look so familiar yet somehow she couldn't piece them together.They try to reach out to her,desperately trying to bring her back from that unknown land.Contaminated with hatred and anger,filled with despair and brokenness.She wasn't letting herself go.She's holding herself down,stopping her from living her life.The fear of who she is;the person no one knows about.That person was constantly finding her way to the surface and attempts to take her place in a life that wasn't her own.Who was this person everyone once knew?Where had she gone?
I've been hiding from my own self all these years.So afraid of who I'd become,of who I would be in future.Will I be who everyone expects me to be,or will I be just plain and simple me?What more can they take from me?All that's left of me is this puppet,controlled by the ways of the world.I desperately try to break free,but the knots tied onto me are too tight.They're suffocating me,preventing me from being free.I'm going through the pathways of life,but it isn't me.I hear voices calling me.Telling me to stay strong.Strong?What is this word?It sounds so familiar,like a friend that was once so close to me,but got ripped away from me.Each step I take is getting smaller.As I stand on my feeble feet,I feel my body shaking.The helplessness is killing me.I hear laughter behind me.Unconsciously,I hear myself praying to God.Crying out for strength and hope.I turn,but before I can get a good look at the maniac who's keeping me prisoner,I see a bright light.My heart bursts with joy like never before.I never thought I'd actually see this day.
The beautiful trees around me.Tiny rays of sunlight peek through the leaves and branches.Small children are playing near a crystal clear pond.Their melodious laughter ringing in the air.I see beautiful houses decorated with flowers and painted with a shiny glow.The sun and moon both hung in the sky.Clouds and stars combined to form a beautiful curtain above the horizon.The grass below my feet are covered with tiny diamond dewdrops.A sweet scent hung in the air,leaving a peaceful and loving atmosphere all around me.All I felt like doing was singing,dancing with joy.I lifted my arms to feel the warmth of the air,the slight drizzle of rain,a gentle breeze playing with my hair.Everything felt so connected to one another.I've never felt so loved,and yet,the minute I stepped into this place,that's exactly what I felt.I see a man,standing under a tree,observing me and everything around me at the same time.The expression in His eyes,made me start to cry....