Monday 23 July 2007

Another Untitiled Post

I live to love You,Lord,
I live to bring You praise.
In perfect harmony,
Your children learn Your ways.

To worship You,my Lord,
For all eternity.
To see You have Your way,
In every step we take.

My Lord,my Life,my All,
In everything I do.
I'll look only to You,
In all I live to do.

Saturday 21 July 2007

Everything for You

The sounds of instruments,
All different but joined in one song;
To come and play and sing,
For the glory of You,Lord.

Hearts are beating,
Sweat is breaking,
As we're waiting;
To dance for You,with awe.

All You are,Lord,
Is all we'll ever need.
Nothing else can ever quench,Lord;
This thirst for You that's oh so deep.

Lord,all I do is only for You.
All I can give,I give to You.
Lord,You mean more than the world,
To us lost and longing souls.

*Inspired by worship team audition candidates..=D

Thursday 19 July 2007

My World

Looking at the world in a new light,
Seeing it all for the first time.
Excitement is rushing in,
And finally the fear runs out.

For so long,I've been trapped,
By the weight of my world in my hands.
Now everything has new meaning,
A whole new world to live out.

I finally have a place,
A place I can call my own.
Never will I have to run again,
From the troubles in my heart.

I won't run,never run...
I won't hide,never hide...
I have You,and You are all I need.

Wednesday 18 July 2007


So many years had passed.Things had changed from the last time I set foot in this place I once called 'home'.What pushed me to leave this place at that time?Walking down the path that lead to an old house at the end of town,I tried recalling the reasons I had for wanting to move away from here so many years ago.Somehow,I just couldn't find anything that clicked.All I remembered was that I was so determined to leave.Reaching the moss green door of the old building,anticipation filled me.Would things still be the same?or did this place change as much as the town had?I turned the slightly rusted doorknob and pushed the door open.It creaked open slowly,eventually revealing the place that was my childhood home.I cautiously stepped in,stepping on the old wooden floor covered with a thick layer of dust and grime.Wherever I walked,I left footprints.I brought my camera out and quickly took a picture of my footprints.Then,I shifted my attention to the room around me.The sofa was just as dusty as the floor.All the furniture in the room was exactly where I had left them last time,except they were in very bad shape.They cushions were moth-eaten,wooden tables and legs of the chairs were victim to termite attacks.The curtains had holes all over creating a very fairytale effect around the room wherever the rays of sunlight peeked through.I remembered how I used to play in the living room with my pet dog.I remembered how my mom used to sit on the sofa and tell me stories about her childhood.I remember my dad tickling me as I was lazing on the sofa.I actually remembered them!All those long forgotten memories were always with me.I just never bothered reflecting on them and remembering them.Tears began to prick at the corner of my eyes.I'd pushed my family away right after high school.I never bothered keeping in touch with them.I was so intent on being as far away as possible from them that now,when I'm longing for them,it's too late.They're gone.I never appreciated them,the home I had,the love we shared together,the memories we created together.Will I ever be able to find them again?Will they ever forgive me?Will they ever love me again?

To be continued...

Wednesday 4 July 2007


Currently Untitled

Feeling so empty,so out of my place.
My heart's beating faster and faster,
Due to my options,the decisions I make.
Each has its own weight,will I rise up or sink under?

Who will I choose to be?
Who will You let me be?
Right now nothing's alright,
And I can't see Your bright light,anymore..

So dry,so withered,
Like a flower petal dried in the pages of a book.
On the outside,you see its beauty,
But inside,it contains no life.

I'm humbling myself at Your feet again.
I lay down my life,and carry my cross.
Everything I have or don't,
I leave it all to Your mighty hands.

He Came

Over a thousand years ago,
A kind soul roamed our world.
Giving all of Him so we would know,
That we are meant to live with love,in our souls.

Over a thousand years ago,
People watched Him learn and grow.
Watching Him hurt and bleed,we all know,
To save our dying souls.

He came and lived just as we did,
Set foot in our broken homes.
Loved us more than love Himself,
Sent revival to this run-down land.

He came,He lives in me.
He came,He set me free.
He came,and now I know I live in a land of love,
Because He came,my Jesus He came!